The Case for TEXITcoin

Hi there! I'm 
Bobby Gray

...founder & fearless leader of TEXITcoin. Thanks for joining me today; I appreciate your time, and thanks for sharing it with me.

Before we begin, let’s talk about the fine print…

First of all, nothing that we talk about here today is financial advice. I’m not a financial advisor, I have no degrees and hold no certifications. I’m just a man with a vision, that’s on a mission, to save the world. It’s a lofty goal.

Second, crypto is NOT an investment. It’s VERY risky - if you’ve watched bitcoin over the years you would know that it could double or drop in half, maybe on the same day. Crypto is supposed to be a currency, used and traded for goods and services. Money is NOT supposed to be a speculative investment, but like many emerging technologies, it is.

What’s the common denominator between the two?

They had a plan.

You may not understand the plan - but some people did, they got in early and got rich.

The plan may be wild and far-fetched - but most revolutionary ideas usually are! Some calculated the risk and took a leap of faith - and got rich.

In both examples - Gamestop and Crypto, the plan just happened 
to be dumb enough to work!

16 years later, Bitcoin is going strong, lots of ups and down, booms and busts, 
but today it’s up at least 66 thousand percent.

If there’s any one thing I want to sell you today, it’s the idea that digital currency is the future of money.

As sure as I’m here today, I KNOW in my heart of hearts, that the future of money is not paper.

In fact, if you fell asleep, woke up in 500 years and tried to explain to a bunch of school children that you used paper money when you were young…? Gold and silver coins…? They’d laugh and laugh and laugh, and look at you like you’re a dinosaur.

But this is not a guess. It’s a certainty. Why? Because banks and governments love digital money.

The safest money in the world is cold hard cash in the dark back alley. Crypto is the opposite of that - it’s transparent and as honest as money gets. That’s why banks and governments secretly love it….especially the ones they can turn off remotely!

Heard of the CBDC? Central Bank Digital Currency - the one Trump promised to kill? That’s the federal future of money, unless WE the PEOPLE stop it.

Digital Currency is the future of $

Banks love it. Governments love it. If crypto is the future of money, you can engage it now and make a profit. Or get dragged into it later, kicking and screaming.

Introducing TEXITcoin

TXC Basics

  • It’s Faster than bitcoin
  • It’s Mineable
  • It’ll last for 137 years
  • There’s No pre-mine

Texitcoin is a REAL, layer 1 blockchain. It’s been a while since the industry has seen something like this.

It all begins right here, right now, with you.

If you take me seriosly....

It took 15+ years to arrive at the conclusions I'm sharing with you today. I don't expect you to agree immediately, but I do want you to understand I didn't just stumble upon this yesterday.

If you believe that digital currency is the future of money....

If you think I'm going to work my butt off for us....

This is not a side-hustle for us. This is our work, and we do it every day.

If you think that we have a worthwhile vision, mission & strategy....

And most important of all, if you believe you deserve to win with us...

...pickup a handful of TEXITcoin. You'll be glad you did.

We have the technology...

Faster than BTC, less expensive, no-premine, and mineable in Texas.

We have the playbook...

Learning from the successes and failures of previous revolutionary endeavors.

We have the leadership...

Decades of experience in honest money and alternative currencies helps a lot.

We have the mission...

Texas secession is realistic & achievable in our lifetime.

TEXITcoin exists for 3 reasons.


It's start with you - the individual. Then, you can help your family & friends. Have a positive impact.


If we can't have fun while we're fighting for freedom, then we're doing it all wrong.


Get rich with me. Do it now. The more you have, the better you can prepare for the uncertain times ahead.

It may sound a little crazy, but I want you to believe that money is the root of all good. Why? Because when you earn money - when you work for it - you tend to value it. 

How can something you work for and value be evil?

I want you to be rich and enjoy life as much as I do. Today. Right Now. Don’t wait - the more you have, the better you can take care of yourself, your family, and your community. Get rich with me.

Save americanism with honest money. Join TEXITcoin today.