New introductory slideshow released!

24 July 2024 - TEXITcoin is the future of money in Texas. 

TEXITcoin is a fast, layer one digital currency designed for generations of honest trade. 

In many ways, TEXITcoin is like Bitcoin; it uses blockchain technology - the decentralized public ledger, to record transactions. 

TEXITcoin makes it easy for anyone to participate in the digital economy. 

Like Bitcoin, TEXITcoin can be traded for other crypto-currencies or cash. 

But unlike Bitcoin and other leading cryptos, Texitcoin can only be digitally mined…in Texas.

Join us as we build the world's largest, decentralized cryptocurrency mine. Put control of crypto back in the hands of individuals and away from mega-corporations, banks, and foreign nations. With TEXITcoin, we can leave the world a better place for our children and future generations.

Check out the quick video here -