The Evolution of Money & the Rise of TEXITcoin

25 July 2024 - Money has always played a crucial role in human civilization, evolving from simple barter systems to the complex financial networks we know today. In ancient times, people traded goods directly, but as societies grew, so did the need for a ...
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New introductory slideshow released!

24 July 2024 - TEXITcoin is the future of money in Texas. TEXITcoin is a fast, layer one digital currency designed for generations of honest trade. In many ways, TEXITcoin is like Bitcoin; it uses blockchain technology - the decentralized public ledger, t...
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Republic of Texas & the Mint featured on Russia Today

May 2013 - The mint got a surprise visit from international news media outlet Russia Today. They were making a documentary about the Republic of Texas, and stopped by to grab footage of us manufacturing their currency.Check out the full documentary here:R...
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